
Change Isn't All Bad

So, they say that when every door closes, God opens a window.  Well, I don't like to think that God's that predictable- but I do think that he likes to keep us on our toes and allows the path of our lives to consistently change.

Today marks the end of an era.  The cessation of a legacy.  Sara, my best friend and soon-to-be-sister and I have (almost) returned the keys to 927 and moved on with life.  I am saving for a house.  She is preparing to marry my brother and will be moving downtown in a few months (holla!) and staying with her sis temporarily.

Although this is really sad to me (yes, I did get choked up several times today- and not because of the amount of crap we had to move & organize in 100% humidity and violent downpours), it's also really exciting.  Sara is an absolutely incredible best friend, and I have had an absolute fabulous time living with her... she's been the perfect roommate, but she's been more than that.  I have heard the saying that God never gives us more than we can handle.

I don't think so.

I absolutely think God Does give us more than we can handle because when we are weighed down & can't do it on our own, it forces us to choose to fail, or to trust Him (if life was easy, when would we ever turn to Him?).  The past year and a half has been supremely difficult for me, probably the most difficult my life has ever experienced.  But through it all, Sara's consistent & dependable friendship- combined with her kind and gentle nature (which has helped to tame mine at times) has really been a huge blessing.  While I'm sad that she won't be my roommate, I will be thrilled to have her become my sister <3

And as I prepare to save for a down payment on a house (scary!) to hopefully start a new chapter of my life, I can't help but review the past few pages.  Lots of tumultuous events, lots of learning, and lots & lots upon lots of growing pains in life.  I've become a newer, stronger, more mature woman than I ever hoped to become, and that hasn't come without its share of challenges.  And as I look ahead, I can't help but become really excited.

I'm moving into a new chapter of my life where I don't know what to expect.  That special guy in my life recently secured a position with a great company back here in Charlotte... and will be moved home this time next weekend (after 5 years).  It's exciting, it's a little confusing, but it'll be great to have him home & to be able to refresh our relationship.  My job's going really well, my family has been amazing and blessed beyond measure, I've rekindled some priceless friendships with some phenomenal women... and I can say, without a doubt, I feel like I have emerged from this past chapter of my life with a renewed sense of direction & self-awareness.

I'm ready for whatever challenge life hands me next, and I'm looking forward to seizing each new opportunity to find out more about Jesus Christ and what paths he has set for my life.

Parting thought:
All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy, for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter into another - Anatole France

Talk soon.