As I reflect over this season of my life, I think I see that another of the many painful storms in my life is nearing a close. I think any seasoned Christian will tell you that there will always be moments in your life where you find yourself facing a storm and you can't always hear or feel God near. Doesn't mean he isn't, but it does mean that we're going through a period in our life where God may be silent. These times are very painful, but they can also be very vital to our walk. My experience has been that these times found in me a desire to pursue a relationship with Jesus Christ with all I have in me- even more than when things were good. I couldn't coast, I couldn't just assume everything would work out without any effort. I had to work, hard, all the time, and sometimes things still don't feel like they'll ever get better. But they will. And after these periods are over, the storm clears and things shine more brilliantly than they seem to ever have.
What I want to do today is to encourage you. Maybe you've found out some difficult news recently and your mind is still spinning, trying to put things together. Maybe you've been calling out in the darkness of your storm and you're aching for an answer. Or, maybe you're in the last drizzle of a storm and you need that extra push to make it out the other side. Whatever your situation, I want to share something: hang on. This life isn't ever going to be easy, it will never glide seamlessly without any problems, but it will be filled with bright spots to break up the storms. One of my favorite quotes is "Nobody ever said this life would be easy, but they did say it would be worth it." I have to agree, because even if things are never perfect, they are exactly as they're supposed to be according to God's plan for my life - and that's enough for me. And if you are having trouble, don't forget - there's always a helping hand waiting, a prayer away. Hang in there.
Parting thought:
Sometimes I hear God most, not in the roar of the storm but in the quiet of the aftermath - me :)
Talk soon.