
What's Really Important?

Most Sundays, as I'm getting ready for the week ahead, I seriously cannot account for where the time went during the weekend.  As adults, we spend all week looking forward to the weekend- thinking of all that we will- or won't- be doing... getting excited about the two solid blocks of 24 hour days where we get to choose exactly how we spend our time. But somehow, as those two days loom closer and closer in front of us... they come and go without time slowing down at all. It's almost like the anticipation of the weekend is the climb upward on the roller coaster- and the actual weekend is the downward part of the roller coaster ride. Almost a cruel trick :)

But with time swiftly passing, it always makes me think about how precious life truly is.  And about what's really important.  None of us never knows the exact way, or time, in life when we'll be called home, and I think that what REALLY matters in life- not material things, not accomplishments, not fancy titles- is how we live it.

How do you want to be remembered when you're gone?  I have always wanted to know that with each person I met, I touched their life in such a way that they have a great memory to remember me by.  I know in life, we don't really have control over anything except for how we handle the situations that we live through- and the biggest thing I've come to learn over the past several years of my life is that people don't pay attention so much to what you're going through as they do how you live through them.  Life has definitely been very difficult for me at times, I won't lie.  But over the past parts of my life where it's felt like life has socked me with one issue after another, I'd like to think I've handled it with the only thing that works- the strength and unshakeable faith of Jesus Christ.  And hopefully, as I've been blessed with the grace and courage that can endure fire and bring you out unscathed... that people notice.

One of the best compliments I've ever gotten was when an old friend told me, "There's something different about you. There's a light about you that I don't ever see in anyone else-" mainly because that light has nothing to do with me, and everything to do with Jesus Christ.  And I hope that as life tempts you, as life throws curveballs at you- and as life tests your mettle, that you remember one thing: With Jesus Christ, anything is possible.

Parting thought:
If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain; if I can ease one life the aching, or cool one pain, or help one fainting robin unto his nest again, I shall not live in vain - Emily Dickinson.

Talk soon.

*Picture above taken with permission from MC Photography*

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