
The Eternal Question

What's my purpose?

At one point or another in our lives, we've all asked this question to ourselves - or to people that we know and trust.

Sometimes, it can tie our stomach up in knots and causes a cold sweat to break out on our necks as anxiety squeezes our lungs and makes us start to breath a little faster.

But mostly, it causes us to reflect on ourselves and where we've come from that has brought us to where we are.  I'm a firm believer that Jesus Christ knew exactly what he was doing when he created this world, this life, and us to walk this Earth.  There's nothing in me that questions that.

I think that our purpose as Christians is to live a life that pleases him, that causes people to ask us what makes us different so that we can share the word of God with them.  Plain and simple.  Some people call it "furthering His kingdom," I prefer to call it "spreading the good news."  Whichev, we're not here to argue semantics.

Tonight I caught up with an old friend, and she asked me what my little sister was up to these days.  Now, for most of you followers and friends who periodically drop in to read my page, you know that I'm as proud as I can be about my beautiful little sister.  And her photography?  Don't even get me started.  Not only is my sister someone that I am *very* proud to have in my family, she's also my best friend, and I say all the time that she is growing into a phenomenal woman, inside and out.  Well, as I was updating my family friend on my sister's whereabouts, I started to think about what my sister will end up doing with her life once she's done with school.  Easy: she is going to be a photographer in Africa, working with missions.

She's said that since day one, ever since I can remember.  One thing I love, and sometimes struggle to appreciate, about my darling mini-me is that she sees in black and white, no gray.  When she says something, she'll stick to it.  So there is no lee-way with her dreams.  She will photograph children and war and God in Africa.  

And as I shared this with my friend, it struck me that I envy my sister's steadfast determination.  I love my life, I have a wonderful job - but am I where I ultimately want to be?  I've always seen myself working with pregnant, unwed mothers and children- or the elderly.  Am I on a stepping stone to a greater purpose for my life, or is this it?  So many times we rush through the day and we don't stop to take a second to look in the mirror and study ourselves.  What's missing?  What could we be doing that might ease the wrinkles slowly gathering at our eyes and at our lips?  

There is absolutely nothing in the world wrong with the other dreams I have for myself: I'd like to be a wife, then a mother, I'd like to stay a friend and be dependable for those in need.  I'd like to serve the down and out, and I'd like to give my free time to someone who needs love and hope.  I want to serve my Lord, Jesus Christ, with all of me - and my heart's desire is that he will continue to provide me with opportunities to do just that.

Today, I'd like to challenge you to go and pause in front of a mirror that's near you.  Look in your own beautiful eyes- and ask if something is missing.  Because if there is, there's nothing stopping you from going out and getting that missing puzzle piece.  We only have one life to live -  here's to hoping you live it well.

Parting thought: 
I like living. I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable, racked with sorrow, but through it all I still know quite certainty that just to be alive is a grand thing - Agatha Christie, Autobiography (1977)

Talk soon.

*Image used with permission from illuminareimages.blogspot.com

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