
Peaks and Valleys

Because this is supposed to be an area where I'm honest, I want to open my heart to you guys.  This life on this Earth isn't supposed to be easy.  We were meant to struggle, bend, and break.  And as we learn how to crawl, then to stand, and then to walk on our faith in Jesus Christ, we go through different phases in our walk with Him.  These peaks and valleys are normal and they're a part of this life.  Sometimes we feel like our cup is overflowing with His love and peace, other times we feel like we've hit a stretch of desolate road where we're the only passenger.  But regardless of how we FEEL during these times, truth remains: that we're not alone.  Jesus is our pilot, we're the passenger, and no matter what we think is true or right, as the Bible says, "He will never leave or forsake you."

Today was a really tough day for me.  Now granted, I didn't need to stay out late, but I did.  But when I woke up, one thing after another seemed to slam into me at an alarming rate.  Didn't quite get to work exactly when I wanted to.  Got stuck behind traffic (again).  Get into work and feel like no one will ever call me back.  Call the vet because my princess injured her foot and all I am able to get out of the technician is that it's important I bring my dog in to be checked out, which I knew would be the tune to at least $50.  Again.  Find out that a dear family friend will endure open heart surgery tomorrow and all I can do is pray.  At around 10:30am, I text the man I'm dating and ask him to pray for me, for strength.  He called me immediately, and as we prayed, I started to feel a shift in my attitude.  No longer was I filled with anxiety and guilt over my baby, or fear of the unknown.  As he prayed that God would bless me with a contagious joy, I felt my heart growing lighter, and after we ended our phone call I slipped in my earbuds and seriously jammed out to worship music.

My day improved.  It took a gradual infusion of supernatural strength and love- but it improved.  And as I think about everything that happened today that is slightly positive - there's a pretty good chance that my dog will heal naturally, on her own without any surgery.  Our family friend, while the situation feels bleak, is able to be scheduled for surgery for tomorrow.  I didn't get two speeding tickets on my way home.  I was able to buy all the new furniture I need for my townhouse.  As I think about these things, I'm reminded that even in the valleys, when all I can feel is that quiet fear squeezing my heart and my lungs with its cold fingers, that things WILL be okay.  I'm NOT alone.  And although I feel like right now I'm walking through the desert, some days in a valley and other days on a peak, I'm reminded that I have a constant companion.  

I'm meeting with a friend tomorrow to discuss the basic fundamentals of Christianity.  And as I think about the things I want to share that I've learned, it makes me question myself.  Am I living a life that praises the Lord?  Do people look at me and see Him?  Am I living my life so that if a child were to watch me, they'd mimic me and it would be a positive habit?  I ponder these questions, and I realize I have a long way to go before I feel like I'm "done" growing (like that ever even happens! HA!) but I also know I've come a long way too.  The map of my life is only a quarter of the way done, which leaves me plenty of time to serve Him with all that I do.  Starting with today.  So if you feel like you're alone in this journey of life, always remember that your constant companion is only a glance away on your right side.  He will NEVER leave you, He will NEVER forsake you.  He will ALWAYS love you, regardless of what you do or what you're going through.

His love is the only completely and totally unconditional love we'll never have to earn- and that we'll never lose.

Parting thought:
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, never rely on what you think you know. Remember him in everything you do and He will show you the right way - Proverbs 3:5.

Talk soon.

Image used with permission of Andrea Chidester**

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