
My God. My Savior. My friend.

It's the beginning of December, and I'm sitting here listening to MercyMe Christmas music, decorating my house for the first Christmas I'll spend here with Jenn. And as I listen to old favorites blaring through the speakers of my Mac, I seem to hear them for the first time in my 24 years of listening.

There's something about the start of the Christmas season that stirs deep inside of my spirit. I think it's a culmination of several things. One, my family. I can honestly say that beginning with the first weekend in December, I have at least one family tradition with one parent every single weekend from then until New Year's. I LOVE them, and I can't wait to share them with my kids (whenever that day comes). Second, there seems to be some charitable part of people that comes out with the wreaths and garlands, where we all remember everyone is human and everyone seems more cheery.

But third? The real reason for Christmas.

I've been sharing my personal journey with you for well over a year now. And as I read back and hear my heart through old posts, I become aware all over again how far I feel like I've come. I've really and truly been brought to the end of myself to the point where the only strong desires I have are the ones to trust God with every part of my life. The time of me trying to do things on my own has, for the most part, given way to a thirst for the will of God in my life. And because I've grown so close to Him, desiring an airtight bond with him that grows with each new morning, I feel like I really understand who He is- and who He wants to be to me and in my life.

Which brings me to Christmas. I know at Easter I was overwhelmed with gratitude and love for Christ, thinking of what sacrifices He made for me, an undeserving sinner who, before Him, had no hope. He saved me from a life that (thankfully!) I'll never know I could've had, and it was that gratitude that has always brought me to tears when I see the Cross. And as I think about Christmas approaching, I have a few thoughts at the forefront of my mind.

One, peace. God has provided for me again and again, even when I thought there was no possible way He could. And as the day of his birth comes approaching at a pace that feels like a locomotive, I think about the Christ I know and I think about how much He means to me now more than ever. Christmas isn't about presents. It isn't about stockings or Christmas trees. It's not about family photos, tacky sweaters, garland and pine candles. It doesn't define itself with sugar cookies, or fully banked fires burning on a snowy night.

Christmas symbolizes the beginning of forever in my mind. An innocent child, born from a virgin (makes me proud to share that with Mary!) who had been miraculously chosen to bring forth the King that would save this world. I don't tear up with emotion because of a present wrapped under a tree. I think about what Jesus was that night, and what he grew to become- and how that saved us. And listening to Christmas carols (I HIGHLY recommend downloading MercyMe's "Joseph Lullaby" if you want to know the best Christmas song out there, and definitely check out the lyrics. I can't even write about how amazing they are!) and thinking about what I'll be buying for my loved ones may be great, but it pales in comparison with the emotions that will be felt on Christmas morning.

As these next few weeks swiftly pass as December 25th approaches, I want to challenge you. Lately I've felt an overwhelming desire to encourage the people that I love the most in my life, and I'd like to challenge you to join me as I attempt to speak love and peace over my loved ones. The next person you talk to, compliment them with a heartfelt compliment. Tell them what they mean to you. Give them a hug. Offer to help a friend or your brother when you know they need it. Take your sister out to coffee. Invite your parents over for dinner. Even something simple like texting a favorite quote to a friend can make a difference. Imagine what kinds of things you need to cheer you up when you're feeling down, and take that to someone who may not even need it. The times in my life where I remember feeling that rush of love from Jesus Christ were when I reached out to one of His children and did something totally random that I felt led to do. Helping the elderly at the grocery store, smiling at the charity bell ringers outside the store - all it takes is one person to make a difference in a big way.

And when you start to get overwhelmed with the Christmas season, remember the picture of Christ that I often have when I think of him, just like the picture above: He loves you because you are His child, so use this season to celebrate what He is and what He has become in your life. I am willing to bet you a 5-course, home-cooked meal that in a matter of a few days you'll notice that the holidays mean more to you than they ever have. Here's hoping that they do!

Parting thought:
You will guard him and keep him in perfect and constant peace whose mind is stayed on You, because he commits himself to You, leans on You, and hopes confidently in You - Isaiah 26:3

Talk soon - and MERRY CHRISTMAS!

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