
Jumpin' on the bandwagon

I'm going to have to concede defeat.  After reading the witty quips of my numerous blog-literate friends... I, too, have given in.  I am officially making my debut, and I'm not going to deny that it actually feels pretty good to be one of the masses (this once).  Now if anyone actually READS what I write... well, that's a different story.

Now, about my picture.  Well, I'm not going to lie, most of the time I'm not in Boone, I wish I was.  Aside from those that include my family and my three FABULOUS best friends, some of my absolute favorite memories include an absolutely out-of-this-world blonde guy (don't need to tell you who because if you need to know, you already do) and our adventures in Boone, North Carolina.  I love everything about it: the winding roads, the haze that settles around the mountaintops like the Congo after it's rained, the crisp air that takes the air out of your lungs in the winter, the black & gold Mountaineer football (almost as good as green & gold, but still out of this world AND equally exciting), downtown King's Street & all the different places to hike.  I could go on and on and on about all of the fun stuff there is to do... although my favorite would definitely be hiking to the top of a mountain & taking a picnic along for the walk.   Of course, everyone has one place where they escape to when they need it.  I'm fortunate to have so many fabulous memories to remember when I get to escape to mine :)

Here's hoping that all of you out there have a place you can escape.

Parting thought

I hope that everyone out there has a love like this one: Oh that it were possible, after long grief and pain, to find the arms of my true love around me once again - Tennyson

Talk soon.

1 comment:

  1. Say what? You're a bloggy too? Spectacular... I'll be a follower. How are you doing? Update me on your life!
